Our SMART Girls gives back to those in need.
In today’s world it’s easy to say it’s not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem, then there are those who see the need and respond. This is exact approach our smart girl’s facilitator Haily Foster used when inspiring our 3rd – 5th grade smart girls to get involved in the opportunity to give back and respond to others less fortunate. This past November our smart girl’s class had been focusing on “The Shoe Box Ministry” through CARAH (Christian Action Relief for Haiti.) Many of these children who receive a CARHA Showbox have never received a Christmas or birthday gift.
With the holiday season right around the corner our smart girls class saw an opportunity and wanted to be involved. Local CARAH supports came together and donated enough supplies for our girls to fill five boy boxes and five girl boxes. Supplies included clothes, socks, school supplies, small toys, soap, wash clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, hard candy, snacks, coloring books, and peanut butter. Boxes were shipped in late November and will arrive in Haiti mid-January!
We couldn’t have made a difference if it wasn’t for our amazing local CARAH supports, Thank you! Your partnership and willingness to help us serve the children of Haiti is priceless! It’s never to late to inspire the next generation of leaders!